Gain full control by tracking provider performance

With great visibility comes the need for great control. Having greater control over your supply chain will give you room to make more informed decisions. It also ensures that no resource is wasted and that you're getting the service levels (SLAs) you've planned for.

We know that many businesses struggle to get access to delivery performance. In our supply chain management platform you’ll be able to understand your performance and reduce the impact of delays or problems. We’re confident you won't find that level of detail anywhere else.

Gain full visibility of your supply chain & logistics

Explore data Green Icon

Understand performance across your network


Birds-eye view of all your performance data

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Reduce time taken requesting and analysing reports

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Identify which lanes or services need the most attention

Gain granular visibility to understand the performance of your supply chain

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With the data you already receive in your invoices, rate cards and contracts, 7bridges can help you start your journey towards a smarter supply chain. We can help you baseline your supply chain performance and benchmark it against your industry, to ensure you’re competitive. Using our platform you can fight fires faster, reduce manual tasks and start having the time and space to think through your biggest challenges. 

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By ingesting contract and rate card data alongside your invoices, we can help you baseline your supply chain performance and benchmark it against your industry, to ensure you’re competitive, With a complete, normalised, cleansed and granular baseline data

Key benefits

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Gain a holistic view of supply chain performance and costs


Drive better decision making and create efficiencies


Baseline your service levels across your operations


Ensure that you're paying for the levels of service you're receiving

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Improve the resilience of your supply chain network

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Get all your providers, contracts, rate cards in one place

Identify and optimise your supplier data

Understand exactly where you are and how your supply chain is performing. With full visibility across your operations, you can make smarter decisions to help improve your logistics performance. Our use cases cover things like:

7bridges platform GIFs - optimise B&B simulations
Explore data Coral Icon

How do I know what I’m spending on and where?


How can I calculate the cost to serve?


How can I optimise my supply chain network to improve service performance?


How do I ensure that I'm fulfiling my orders, automatically, in the optimal way?


How can I make sure I have the right terms with the right logistics partners?


Discover our platform

Talk to our team to discover how to make your supply chain network more proactive!
